Our Services

Organizational Development, Program Management & Administrative Support

Challenges demand change and often require complex solutions, compromise, and growth from an organization, all of which are easier said than done. However, by partnering with outside experts who provide the right skills and insight, organizations can leap forward. That is why we developed comprehensive and flexible methods that take the mystery out of complex problems.


Program Management Services - HG Jones | Associates
Training and Support Services - HG Jones | Associates

Training & Technical Assistance

We specialize in hands-on training and technical assistance that produce results for everything, from national, stand-alone events for individuals to turnkey, tailored programs for organizations. Our priority is to deliver a unique experience that not only opens minds, but helps them work differently. Customized, educational events can combine with consultation services for greater organizational impact.


Communications, Outreach & Product Development

At HGJA, we pay close attention to our client’s wants and needs to help inform our work as we design and implement tailored strategies. We deliver agile research and clearly defined results through an approachable process, all of which is supported by end-to-end management, insightful communication, and game-changing methodologies and tactics that inform and engage stakeholders during key moments.


Communication and Outreach Services - HG Jones | Associates
Event Logistics Services - HG Jones | Associates

Event Planning, Conference Management & Logistical Support

We manage and produce hundreds of meetings, conferences, and special events for corporations, non-profits, associations, and government agencies that range in attendance from ten to tens of thousands of people. Our superior customer service begins with a thorough understanding of the goals and objectives of each organization’s event.


Socially Conscience Initiatives

HGJA applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being that maximizes social impact. Here are a few of our key social initiatives:

  • “Smooth Entry” Project
  • Fatherhood and Male Involvement
  • Parent and Family Support Services


Boy with soccer ball - Social Initiatives - HG Jones | Associates